Repetition Without Boredom

Thursday, July 13, 2017 by David Wilkes | Uncategorized

The art of practicing is finding a process for repetition without boredom.  When we work on a particular passage of music, it is important to come at it from different perspectives.  Alter the rhythms.  Change the speed of the metronome.  Avoid becoming bored by challenging yourself to play that passage in as many different ways as you can imagine.

Here is an interesting blog posted by the mother of an 11-year old cellist who auditioned to study at Juilliard - one of the top music schools in the world.

ClarinetFest 2017

Thursday, July 13, 2017 by David Wilkes | Uncategorized

There will be NO lessons during the last week of July.  Mr. Wilkes is attending ClarinetFest 2017 in Orlando, Florida.  There will be many performances and seminars.  The exhibit halls will be filled with clarinets, mouthpieces, ligatures and reeds to try.  There will be lots of sheet music to look through and purchase.  Check out the web site of the International Clarinet Association at

Getting Started

Tuesday, April 18, 2017 by David Wilkes | Uncategorized

Welcome to the test pilot for a new Web site for Atlanta Music Academy powered by  Look for updates coming soon!