GMEA Etudes performed by Chris Mothersole

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 by David Wilkes | Uncategorized

Chris Mothersole, who teaches clarinet at the University of West Georgia in Carrollton, has posted recordings of all the clarinet etudes for the GMEA All State auditions.  The videos are on his YouTube channel at UWG Clarinet Studio.  These are excellent examples of how to perform the GMEA etudes for 2021-2022

2021-2022 GMEA All-State: Soprano Clarinet Études (Middle School)

2021-2022 GMEA All-State: Soprano Clarinet Études (Concert Band, Grades 9-10)

2021-2022 GMEA All-State: Soprano Clarinet Études (Symphonic Band, Grades 11-12)